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Serie Banca Central Volumen 29: Credibility of emerging markets, foreign investors’ risk perceptions, and capital flows

Emerging market economies (EMEs) are constantly exposed to shocks that originate in world capital markets, posing serious challenges to policymakers. By dealing with these shocks —Covid-19 representing the most recent event— several lessons have been learned in terms of the ways they propagate as well as the various tradeoffs of policy responses available. Credibility and foreign investors’ risk perceptions are central when analyzing these episodes, and they are closely associated with the design of monetary and fiscal frameworks, as well as the conduct of unconventional policies. This volume contributes to the study of these issues by focusing on the understanding of the array of challenges and policy options for EMEs’ policymakers for short-run stabilization purposes as well as longer-term issues that should be on their radars, bringing together a multinational group of distinguished scholars to discuss the latest research findings.

Idioma: Inglés

Edición: Agosto, 2023

Editado por: Álvaro Aguirre, Andrés Fernández, Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan


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Obra perteneciente a la Colección de Pinturas del Banco Central de Chile: "Bahía de Corral" de Ernesto Molina (Óleo sobre lienzo, 24,5 x 50,5 cm.)

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