Publicaciones - Serie Banca Central Volumen 02 - Portal Biblioteca
Serie Banca Central Volumen 02: Indexation, Inflation and Monetary Policy
Serie Banca Central Volumen 02: Indexation, Inflation and Monetary Policy
Although indexation policies and practices are common in many markets and economies, their implications for market efficiency and price stabilization remain controversial. This book contributes to the literature on indexation and inflation by including nine articles that are at the research frontier on these issues. The scope of the articles ranges from specific topics—including the optimal management of indexed public debt and the consequences of wage indexation—to recent empirical evidence regarding indexation and the persistence of inflation. The authors look at specific indexation practices adopted in different markets in response to inflation, discuss the consequences of such practices for these markets, and analyze the relationship among indexation mechanisms, inflation persistence, and the outcome of stabilization programs.
Idioma: Inglés
Editado por: Fernando Lefort y Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
Edición: Junio 2002
Disponible gratuitamente en formato digital en Repositorio Digital y Sitio Web Institucional
Obra perteneciente a la Colección de Pinturas del Banco Central de Chile: "Pont D/Stgo. Sur Le Rio Mapocho" de Edmont Bigot De La Touanne (Óleo sobre tela, 100,5 x 145,5 cm.)