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V. Kerry Smith. 2022 (Libro en línea)
The Economics of Environmental Risk: Information, Perception and Valuation
Featuring real world examples of how risk information affects public choices, The Economics of Environmental Risk expertly demonstrates that policymakers need to consider how people learn about those risks. Offering insights into examples such as hazardous waste, radon, smoking, hurricanes and terrorist threats over the past four decades, this intuitive book illustrates environmental risks and the choices made to mitigate the potential effects.
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Sara Hsu. 2017 (Libro en línea)
Financial Crises, 1929 to the Present
This fascinating volume offers a comprehensive synthesis of the events, causes and outcomes of the major financial crises from 1929 to the present day. Beginning with an overview of the global financial system, Sara Hsu presents both theoretical and empirical evidence to explain the roots of financial crises and financial instability in general. She then provides a thorough breakdown of a number of major crises of the past century, both in the United States and around the world.
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Edited by Fernando Ferrari-Filho and Liuz Fernando de Paula. 2023 (Libro en línea)
Central Banks and Monetary Regimes in Emerging Countries. Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Latin America
Responding to global events, including the international financial crisis (IFC) and the COVID-19 pandemic, central banks and the monetary regimes in many Latin American countries responded with actions to mitigate the worst impacts. The authors in this book focus on the recent trends of monetary policy in Latin America and analyze how the actions that were taken have affected the economic performance of these countries.
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Edited by Erik Reinert and Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven. 2023 (Libro en línea)
A Modern Guide to Uneven Economic Development
In contrast to neo-classical mainstream approaches to economics, this innovative Modern Guide addresses the complex reality of economic development as an inherently uneven process, exploring the ways of theorizing and empirically exploring the mechanisms with which the unevenness manifests itself. It covers a wide array of issues influencing wealth and poverty, technological innovation, ecology and sustainability, financialization, population, gender, and geography, considering the dynamics of c...
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Edited by Brent M. Haddad and Barry D. Solomon. 2023 (Libro en línea)
Dictionary of Ecological Economics. Terms for the New Millennium
This comprehensive Dictionary brings together an extensive range of definitive terms in ecological economics. Assembling contributions from distinguished scholars, it provides an intellectual map to this evolving subject ranging from the practical to the philosophical. Following an insightful review of the intellectual and organisational origins of this topic by Joan Martínez-Alier, over 1,100 terms are thoroughly defined with their meanings and uses in ecological economics explained. In additi...
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Edited by James Lee Caton. 2022 (Libro en línea)
The Economics of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. A Transaction Costs Revolution
This timely book is an innovative look at how blockchain technology will transform the structure of social and economic life. The security of blockchain supports the provision and maintenance of reliable databases and the creation of rule-based governance protocols. Leading contributors expertly review the impact of blockchain on existing structures of law, monetary systems, supply chains and business organizations.
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Edited by Sylvio Kappes. 2022 (Libro en línea)
The Future of Central Banking. Information, Perception and Valuation
This book explores challenges surrounding central banking today. It goes beyond the immediate concerns with monetary policy and focuses instead on the concept of central banking more generally.
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Edited by S. Niggol Seo. 2022 (Libro en línea)
Handbook of Behavioral Economics and Climate Change
Situating a comprehensive microbehavioral analysis of the economics of climate change within a discussion of the most pressing global climate change issues and policy negotiations, the Handbook of Behavioral Economics and Climate Change is a timely collection of new research on the behaviors of economic agents that are essential to an exposition of climate change economics and policy making.
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Edited by Cristiano Antonelli. 2022 (Libro en línea)
Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation
A landmark reference work in the field, this Elgar Encyclopedia presents over 60 entries from scholars that have shaped the making of the economics of innovation as a distinct and specialised field of investigation within the broad range of economic disciplines.
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Issouf Soumaré. 2022 (Libro en línea)
Commodity Exchanges: Concepts, Tools and Guidelines
Commodities are basic goods used in commerce and are most often used as inputs in the production of other semi-finished or finished materials. They are very important products in our lives today and constitute non-negligible sources of income for many countries. This book serves as a guide to the marketing of these goods and provides scholars and commodity market participants with useful concepts, tools and guidelines to better organize and operate commodities exchanges.
Asset Publisher

Personajes de los billetes nac...
La Biblioteca del Banco Central cuenta con una nueva selección de libros sobre los personajes que figuran en los billetes nacionales como Ignacio Carrera Pinto; Ma...

Novedades bibliográficas
Los invitamos a revisar las últimas adquisiciones de libros con los que cuenta la Biblioteca del Banco Central

Banco Central de Chile publica...
Publicación de las Actas correspondientes al periodo 1996 - 2003, comprenden 630 documentos y se encuentran disponibles para su consulta en el repositorio digital ...

Base de datos OECD iLibrary ah...
OECD iLibrary (*) constituye la base central de conocimientos de esta organización, publicando sus recomendaciones, análisis y datos, de esta forma contribuye con ...

Base de datos EconLit, princip...
La Base de Datos EconLit cuenta con una gran cantidad de revistas altamente destacadas en materia económica, aquí vas a encontrar una selección de journals disponi...

Journals texto completo de la ...
Puedes revisar desde acá las revistas de la editorial Wiley que suscribe la biblioteca.