Historical books - Portal Biblioteca
Collection of historical books of the Central Bank Library related to the economic history of the country.
Informacion general- LIBROS HISTORICOS
Historical books

The Central Bank Library preserves an important collection of historical books concerning the economic history of the country. A large part of this collection was donated by Guillermo Subercaseaux (1872-1959), which consisted of a collection relating to economic and finance issues, the result of years of research and study by Mr. Subercaseaux. This initiative led to the creation of the Central Bank Library in 1928 (Annual Report 1928, Central Bank of Chile), where the Bank committed itself to protect this collection and also to increase it with new publications that would keep it up to date, currently becoming one of the most complete libraries on economic matters at the national level.
Noteworthy in this collection is a selection of books by Guillermo Subercaseaux, published between the years 1898 and 1948, addressing important economic issues on monetary policy and paper money, for example:
El papel moneda y ensayo sobre la teoría del valor. Impr. y encuadernación Barcelona, 1898.
Also noteworthy are two publications from Benjamin Vicuña Mackenna's trilogy on mining in Chile, El libro de la plata (The Book of Silver), La edad de Oro en Chile (The Golden Age in Chile) and El Libro del cobre i del carbón de piedra en Chile (The Book of Copper and Coal in Chile).
The Collection of historical books can be consulted in digital format through the Digital Repository or in person at the Central Bank Library.