Banner cabecera- PRESTAMOS


Informacion general-PRESTAMO


All Central Bank officials can request the bibliographic material that the Library has distributed among its various bibliographic collections.

The Library grants different types of loans:

  • In-House Loan
  • Home Loan
  • Loans to External Users


Asset Publisher

Home Loan

This service is available to Central Bank officials, who can request books of the General Collection, Journal Collection, Reference Collection and in exceptional cases books of the Historical Collection.

They may also borrow bibliographic material from other institutions with which we have an active Interlibrary Loan Agreement.

Loans will be for a period of 14 days, renewable.

In-House Loan

It allows consulting books and journals in the Library's reading room.

It can be requested by any Bank official, trainees and users outside the institution.

This type of loan includes the following collections:

  • Books from the General collection
  • Reference Collection (dictionaries and encyclopedias)
  • Journal Collection
  • Historical Collection (only 1 volume at a time)

Loans to External Users

External Users may enter the Library's reading room and consult the following collections:

  • Books from the General collection
  • Reference Collection (dictionaries and encyclopedias)
  • Journal and Review Collection
  • Historical Collection (only 1 volume at a time)

A maximum of 2 volumes may be consulted at a time in the room and the bibliographic material may not be removed from the Institution.

People who belong to an institution with a current agreement may also have access to the Interlibrary Loan.

We recommend that you consult our online Catalog to find out the location and availability of the material of your interest.