Url amigable siid Portlet

Url amigable siid Ingles Portlet




The Board of the Central Bank of Chile, in accordance with its Policy for the voluntary dissemination of the Minutes of the sessions of the former Board of Directors, the former Executive Committee and the Board of the Bank, approved in September 2019 (Board Agreement No. 2249-02 -190912), makes available to the public the second period of minutes corresponding to the years 1946 to 1967, thus giving continuity to the publication schedule contained in the aforementioned Policy.


The foregoing in order to strengthen the understanding and dialogue of the Central Bank of Chile with its environment, deepen the levels of transparency and accountability to citizens and promote understanding of the economic history of our country.


The Minutes, corresponding to the period 1946 to 1967 represent a total of 1,192 documents, which are available in the Bank's Digital Repository at the following link:



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