Publications - Series on Central Banking 07 - Portal Biblioteca

Series on Central Banking 07: Banking Market Structure and Monetary Policy
Series on Central Banking 07: Banking Market Structure and Monetary Policy
This volume contains several macroeconomic and microeconomic works on the subjects of monetary policy transmission and the regulation of the banking industry. The reason to consider both issues in the same volume lies in the fact that some channels whereby monetary policy reaches the real sector hinge on the structure of the banking sector (e.g. barriers to entry, degree of competition, financial taxation) and on some informational distortions typically ascribed to the financial sector (borrower lender relationship, and ownership relations). The book also combines empirical and theoretical contributions on issues that are relevant for Chile and other emerging economies. A common feature of the findings reported in these works is that regulatory distortions have an important effect on the efficiency and profitability of the banking industry. Whether we measure the spread from intermediation or the interest rates charged on traditional banking activities, the microeconomic structure has an effect on these variables. The natural question to pursue involves the effect of these regulatory and industry conditions on the transmission of monetary policy. Certainly, the evidence presented here provides interesting venues for future research and policy implications.
Language: English
Edited by: Luis Antonio Ahumada y J. Rodrigo Fuentes
Published: June 2004
Available for free in digital format in the Digital Repository and Institutional Website
Work belonging to the Collection of Paintings of the Central Bank of Chile: "Bosque" by Alfredo Helsby (Oil on canvas, 54,5 x 63,5 cm.)