Publicaciones - Serie Banca Central Volumen 08 - Portal Biblioteca

Series on Central Banking 08: Labor Markets and Institutions
Series on Central Banking 08: Labor Markets and Institutions
The importance of the labor market is indisputable. The countries' economic outcomes rely to a significant extent on its performance, as production, economic growth, and prices are all intimately linked with it. Moreover, the functioning of the labor market is a key determinant of social welfare. Elements such as unemployment and its duration, job quality, wages and compensations, greatly influence individual well being, and are in turn greatly influenced by the performance of the labor market and its institutions. Thus, labor markets and their response to shocks or changing conditions, the functioning of labor institutions under different scenarios, the ways in which they can be modified to improve their efficiency and the endogeneity of sub-optimal institutional arrangements, are some of the very significant issues that are analyzed in the collection of studies included in this book. Surely, it will contribute to a better understanding of this market by proposing new empirical evaluation approaches, and will enlighten the policy discussion by suggesting ways to improve the design of labor regulations and institutions.
Language: English
Edited by: Jorge Enrique Restrepo y Andrea Tokman R.
Published: June 2006
Available for free in digital format in the Digital Repository and Institutional Website
Work belonging to the Collection of Paintings of the Central Bank of Chile: "Las Bicicletas" by Nemesio Antúnez (Intaglio on paper, 74,4 x 53,5 cm.)